
Hello! My name is Jorge Bastida and
I love writing code.

Python & Web enthusiast, author of gordon, awslogs and gluecss.

This is what I do.


Simplicity, elegance, power and extreme flexibility... no words to describe my passion for this beautiful language.


Amazed about how AWS leverages the needs of tech companies with their vast offer of services.


I really like dealing with Infrastructure. In love with immutable deployments and the docker ecosystem.

geoOpen Source.

Share with the community as much as possible has been always a priority for me. Visit my github page to check my latest contributions.


I love Django, It's an amazing framework and I do enjoy it. I've developed several opensource projects and given a few courses.


After several years developing dynamic interfaces I've used most of the existing JS frameworks. My favourite these days: React


I've developed several iPhone apps using as backend my own RESTful APIs. I really like it, so interesting platform!


I love the web. I got an html book about ten years ago and since then I've developed for the Web both professionally and as a hobby.

awardsOpen Source.

My projects

  • gordon Tool to create, wire and deploy AWS Lambdas using CloudFormation.
  • glue Simple command line tool to generate CSS sprites.
  • awslogs AWS CloudWatch logs for Humans™.
  • aws2fa Helper for dealing with 2FA+AWS.
  • cssbuster Tool to invalidate external resources linked to a css file.
  • django-dajax Library to create asynchronous presentation logic.
  • django-dajaxice AJAX libary for django.


  • django High-level Python Web framework.
  • troposphere Python library to create AWS CloudFormation templates.
  • mongoengine Python ODM for MongoDB.
  • diamond System metrics collector that publishes to Graphite.
  • funkload Functional and load testing framework for web applications.
  • flask-mongoengine MongoEngine flask extension.
  • flask-DebugToolbar A port of the django debug toolbar to flask.
  • jingo-minify Concat and minify JS and CSS for Jinja2 and Django.

side-projectsSide Projects.

educationCourses and Talks given.


  • Head of Development at (Jul. 2013 to May. 2017) (Acquired by
  • Software Engineer at (Apr. 2011 to Jul. 2013)
  • Software Engineer at Ideateca S.A. (Sep. 2010 to Apr. 2011)
  • Software Engineer and Release Engineer at thecodefarm S.L. (Sep. 2008 to Sep. 2010)
  • Co-founder of thecodefarm S.L. (Sep. 2008 to Sep. 2010)
  • Software Engineer at I+D+i department.(May. 2006 to Oct. 2006)
  • Web Developer at Ikusnet S.L.L (Nov. 2003 to Feb. 2005)


  • BSc in Computer Engineering (2010), 5-year degree in the speciality of Technical Engineering in Business Computing.



  • First prize at the 24-hours Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) Coding competition organized by the Euskal Encounter, 2010.
  • First prize at the 'Alava Emprende 2010 Innovation' Competition organized by the Basque Government, 2010.
  • First prize at the 48-hours Open Data Coding competition 'Desafío Abredatos 2010' Organized by Pro Bono Público and the Basque Government, 2010.


  • Cooking, Traveling and Fishing.